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PSA Event Gallery


Bags to school Clothing Collection Mothers Day Tea
Egg Decorating Competition Easter Trail
Quiz Night Charity Bingo
Monster Bake Sale Christmas Fete
Gift room Film night
Christmas Trail  

New Trim Trail

For KS2 the new trim trail provided by the PSA has been a welcome addition. Thank you to the PSA for all your hard work in raising funds to provide it and thank you to all parents who have supported the PSA fundraising events.

PSA Christmas Fete

Thank you to our wonderful PSA who raised £3,000 at our Christmas Fete on 25th November 23.  Their contributions are invaluable for resourcing our curriculum and extra curricula activities. 


Summer Fete - A Huge Success!

Thank you to everyone who attended, donated or gave up some of their time to help with our very successful school fete.

The total profit was a staggering £4,162. This will go a long way towards supporting our curriculum development and other whole school projects.

A huge thank you to our PSA who created such a fantastic event. 

Egg Decorating Competition

We had some amazing and creative entries for our Egg Decorating Competition.  Well done to everyone who entered, you really did make it difficult to judge. 

PSA Easter Trail

Thank you to everyone who took part in the PSA’s Easter Trail.  We have had some great  feedback about what a lovely event this was for the Easter break.  This event raised an amazing £480.  Thank you as always to our fabulous PSA for continuing to work tirelessly to provide these events for our children and local community.  

Gift Room

In December the children had a lovely unique experience to shop independently for gifts for family/friends.

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